Gravel rides, BARTable By Bike

by Tom Holub

For those who want to avoid contributing to pollution on all those Spare the Air (and Work from Home) days, I’ve been writing articles for the BARTable blog about fun bike rides which are accessible by BART. Some of them may be interesting to the gravel crowd; they’re a mix of road and dirt, mostly not technical, with public transit on both sides, and beer and other interesting things along the way.

Richmond Bridge and the Iron Triangle

The short route features Point Pinole, one of the nicest parks for people just starting to ride dirt, or just looking for a cool spot on a hot day. The long route includes some gravel on the west end of the Richmond Bridge, and connects with the 10-mile China Camp dirt loop if you’re up for a serious epic.

Bay Trail, Berkeley to Richmond

This starts out along the newly-completed Bay Trail paved path near Golden Gate Fields, then visits the Dirt World pump track in Richmond, before heading east into Wildcat Canyon to loop back on dirt.

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