Ride Like a Girl Gambled on the Weather and Lost!

The good news is that a whole inch of precious rain fell on Anthony Chabot Regional Park last Saturday. The bad news is that most of it fell on Ride Like a Girl! I gambled on when the rain would stop, and I lost. But it was too late to cancel, and eight waterproof and wonderful women joined me for a ride that was 90% Type 1 Fun and ended under sunny skies. The after-ride was so entertaining that a pair of women hikers joined us for a drink and a laugh.

I don’t recommend riding in the rain as a rule. Bikes are often very bad news for wet, fragile trails. But the North-Eastern part of Chabot is surprisingly robust, with quite a lot of exposed rock. It’s like Moab, only much less interesting. There were one or two extremely sticky spots on the Brandon Fire Road, but no singletrack was harmed in the making of this ride.

The next ride will be on May 21, 2022. Follow BTECB on Facebook or Meetup and we’ll let you know when signups open. It’s always a good time, so mark your calendars!

Rebecca Lewington, Director-At-Large

Before… (Photo: Rebecca Lewington)
… and after! (Photo: Rebecca Lewington)
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