October 14 – 16, 2022
In October V-O-Cal heads to the East Bay for a project at Anthony Chabot Regional Park. The project will reroute a section of the Towhee Trail, which currently goes through the park’s corporation yard and passes through dumpsters and heavy equipment. The reroute will consist of about 1,000 feet of new trail that will bypass the corporation yard and take hikers through a meadow. Talk about an improvement! The work will involve clearing vegetation and cutting a new 4 foot wide trail bed.
Volunteers will be camping at the Lookout Ridge campsite located within the park. You can sign up to camp Friday and Saturday nights. Meals will be provided from Saturday breakfast through Sunday lunch. Please note that there is no Friday dinner. Volunteers must be age 14 or over, and those under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. To sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/AnthonyChabot.