Next Time You Ride Crockett Hills, Thank Scouting Troop 284!
Next Time You Ride Crockett Hills, Thank Scouting Troop 284!
Earlier this month, a pack (geddit?) of Scouts from Troop 284 in Lafayette joined Advocacy Director Scott Bartlebaugh and other BTCEB trail work experts at one of our favorite places, Crockett Hills Regional Park. Our mission – which of course we chose to accept – was to keep working to repair and restore this gem to its pre-winter glory.
We completed the rock hardening at the top of the Sugar City trail, moved the remaining rock into the right place for future work, improved some drains, and buffed out some rills and ruts. Doing all of that was a lot more effort than writing about it.
The Scouts were terrific: eager to learn, hardworking and a lot of fun to work with. We really appreciate their efforts and we’re looking forward to more collaboration!
It was also a photogenic day in a photogenic place, so I thought it would be nice to create this little photo essay.
– Rebecca Lewington, Board Member-at-Large
Establishing shot! And a good piece of advice. Everyone who came down the trail while we were working was super-appreciative. (Photo: Rebecca Lewington)
Troop 284 heads to our work site for the day. (Photo: Rebecca Lewington)
Packing rock into a perennial soggy spot to make a cool berm that will be sustainable and fun to ride. (Photo: Rebecca Lewington)
Not a bad way to spend a Spring morning. Looking East towards Mount Diablo. (Photo: Rebecca Lewington)
BTCEB Advocacy Director and trail guru Scott Bartlebaugh shows the Scouts how to build drainage channels. (Photo: Rebecca Lewington)
Park Supervisor Travis Vincent was on-hand to help keep things running smoothly and work on his his own repair projects with EBRPD staff. Thanks, Travis! (Photo: Rebecca Lewington)
Scott Bartlebaugh leads the way to the next trouble spot. (Photo: Rebecca Lewington)
The task of moving this rock turned into a team-building exercise. (Photo: Rebecca Lewington)
Crew lead and all-round good egg, Dave, helped the Scouts build their skills. (Photo: Rebecca Lewington)
Packing up at the end of a productive and entertaining session. Good work evertyone! (Photo: Rebecca Lewington)
These Scouts have “The Right Stuff”! (Photo: Rebecca Lewington)