Trail One Components has made a second and even more generous donation of $4000 from their Trail Treasury to the Bicycle Trails Council of the East Bay. The Trail One website describes their mission best, OUR MISSION: MAKE PHENOMENAL PRODUCTS THAT SUPPORT MOUNTAIN BIKE TRAILS.
For every Trail One product sold, they donate $1 to the trail system the product is named after. In this case Trail One’s handle bars, the Crockett Handlebars, are named after Crockett Hills. Trail One’s mission is to promote, incentivize and glorify trail building.

Trail One made their first donation to BTCEB for $1,000 back in 2022. We greatly appreciate the strong support from Trail One for not only Crockett Hills and BTCEB but for all the other trail systems and stewards they support worldwide. This donation will help BTCEB improve our trail stewardship efforts to engage more volunteers, and become more effective. We encourage you to shop at Trail One the next time you are looking for components for your bike. And if they don’t have what you need consider other businesses that give back to trails as you vote as a consumer with your spending choices.