June is California Mountain Biking Month!

The California State legislature is slated to proclaim June 2024 as California Mountain Biking Month.  This is the first piece of legislation that CAMTB has authored and will get passed.  The resolution is being carried by Marin Assemblymember Damon Connolly and Senate Minority Leader Brian Jones with bicameral and bipartisan support.  The resolution describes the many  benefits to the state of California and it’s residents that mountain biking and the mountain biking community bring.  

We ask you to take the CAMTB mountain biking month pledge and help spread the positive impacts of mountain biking.  Register at the link above and aim to do the following in June:

During June, I pledge to…

1. Ride! Go for at least one mountain bike ride during June 2024.

2. Take A Friend Mountain Biking. Introduce someone new to the joys of riding in the great outdoors, or get an old friend back on their bike.

3. Engage My Local Trail Stewardship Organization. Join, donate, or volunteer to support the groups maintaining the trails you ride. Find your local organization here.  In the East Bay –  BTCEB, Stewards of Briones, Rich City Rides, and Mount Diablo Trails Alliance are local CAMTB coalition members.

4. Speak Up for Mountain Biking, Trails, and Public Lands. Call or write your local, state, and/or federal representative.

For more information directly from CAMTB – The California Mountain Biking Coalition go to their website. You can find the direct text of the resolution here.

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