Close a Gate and Save a Trail!

Cattle Gate at Crockett Hills Regional Park

 🎗️Just a reminder to close and secure cattle gates when you pass through if it was already closed or wasn’t secured open. The person before you may have left it open💩. Open gates let cattle unexpectedly move from one pasture to the next which is particularly problematic in the wet season.  In the wet season some parks try to keep the cattle off of our precious trails and in separate pastures. When a gate is left open, the latch breaks, or the return spring breaks, cattle can get on soft trail and cause damage that may well last for years!

🙏 PLEASE If you find a gate that is broken please REPORT IT to park supervision. You can usually find a phone number on the park map or at a trailhead.  If you can’t find park information you can always make a report on Trailforks or email our Trails Team at

Our request is quite apropos as cattle had been rotated out of the trail pastures at Crockett Hills this season, and a gate came open and wouldn’t you know cattle had gotten into the trail areas 🤮. The extent of damage is unknown at this time 🤞. We are working with the park district and grazer to prevent this in the future. You can help by closing gates and reporting broken gates. Thank you in advance for you attention and dilagence!

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