Join the Bicycle Trails Council of the East Bay (BTCEB) for a morning of trail work at Crockett Hills Regional Park. Most likely we’ll be working on Sugar City doing a berm rebuild and drain improvement. You can bring a bike if you like but we’ll probably leave them at the top of Sugar City as we’ll be walking tools in.
SPACE IS LIMITED SO PLEASE RSVP. The park district is restricting this event to BTCEB members. If you’re not a member it’s easy to join at BTCEB.org.
• Where: Meet: at the Crockett Ranch Gate (78-15) on Cummings Skyway, NOT IN THE STAGING PARKING LOT OFF CROCKETT BLVD. (https://www.google.com/maps/dir/38.0286259,-122.2067254//@38.0378201,-122.2137206,14z) off Cummings Skyway (see “directions” and linked map) no later than 9 am.; parking will be available inside the gate.
• Directions:
◦ From I-80: take the Cummings Skyway exit and head SE (uphill, towards Martinez / Hwy 4). The trailhead will be on your right, 2.2 miles from I-80 (.7 miles past the Cummings Skyway / Crockett Blvd intersection / stoplight)
◦ From Hwy 4: take the Cummings Skyway exit and head NW (towards Crockett / I-80). The trailhead will be on your left, 1.3 miles from Hwy 4
• Attire: Bring work gloves. Dress in layers to accommodate changing weather. We’ll plan on working from about 9 till about 1 pm. If 1 pm is tool late you can leave earlier.
• Equipment: Implements / tools will be provided
• Bring water.
If you have questions you can email trails@btceb.org