Latest news
Youth Pioneer Safe Work
BTCEB is helping develop trail work safety practices. This is in collaboration with the Piedmont High School (PHS) Mountain Bike Team at Joaquin Miller Park (JMP).
Reaching out to other trail users – Briones & Equestrians
In addition to meeting up with mountain bike riders at Briones interested in advocating for better trails we also try to work with other trail users to understand how we can coexist, share trails and parks better and improve the experiences for all users.
Recon Briones
Scott Bartlebaugh, BTCEB’s new Advocacy Director, Chris Wikler, our even newer Trail Director and, Tom Gandesbery, the much older Member-at-Large conducted a reconnaissance of Briones Park trail riding opportunities on March 22nd We were joined by local riders Ash and Alec who had contacted us about collaborating with BTCEB and East Bay…
Advocacy In Action
No advocacy milestones this month but there are a variety of items in progress.
BTCEB Buzz, March 2021
Reminder: As a BTCEB member, you can receive a 10 percent or higher discount for parts at many of the bike shops in the East Bay. You just have to ask. Thank you to the many bike shop sponsors for your support! OUR SPONSORS INCLUDE: REI (Bike and other sports store)Hank…
Bike Access – It’s more of a social issue
When you’re out on a trail and you come across another user keep in mind that expanding access does involve compromise and coalitions. Each encounter with another user is an advocacy opportunity. We can choose to try to build an ally or not. The
From the Dusty Trail . . .
The most basic need at Joaquin Miller Park (JMP) is to quickly clear dead fallen trees blocking trails. Such trail obstructions can tempt users to socialize bypass trails, or to climb over the logs, which can be risky for vulnerable park users. Oakland Bike Patrol (OBP) tackles some of these projects directly….
BTCEB Membership Drive
While membership on our Meetup site continues to grow to over 4,000 followers, membership in the BTCEB, your mountain biking organization, has been lagging comparatively. To grow, to survive, and to represent the mountain biking community, we need your support.
Crockett Hills Update
trails are in decent shape due to a relatively dry winter, the cattle being grazed in other pastures to the east and south, riders asking about conditions and giving the trails some time to dry out and some great drain work by Dave Sturgis and Tim Christol. A gravelling…
Dirt World Bike Park Maintenance Day
Looking for a chance to give back? Come on down to Dirt World Bike Park in Richmond on Sunday March 14th from 9am – 1pm to help perform maintenance on their dirt jumps and pump tracks.
EB Regional Park District Trail Use Working Group
Austin McInerny and Scott Bartlebaugh from BTCEB and Helen Gilbert Snyder from the El Cerrito High Mountain Biking team are representing mounting biking at the EBRPD Trail User Working Group, a collection of over 30 trail stakeholders.
Trail Repair Season Finally Opens
More park use and reduced trail work is a recipe for trail deterioration. Covid has people flocking outdoors. For example, EBMUD staff reports a 60% increase in trail permits. Purchases of outdoor equipment has skyrocketed. Heightening such usage concerns, are Covid restrictions imposed for larger organized volunteer groups. The resulting…
Or join the group on FaceBook
Our FaceBook group has great discussion from riders all over the East Bay. Learn about trail conditions and upcoming rides.