TWENTY-SIX volunteers hit the dirt at Crockett Hills on November 5th and worked on drainage on Soaring Eagle along with some Sugar City repairs to a rough slide area and rebuilding some rollers. We smoothed out a slide area at the bottom of Sugar City and worked on re-establishing outslope and grade reversals on the northern end of Soaring Eagle.
This work day was coordinated with Scouting Troop 284 from Lafayette and a half dozen or so general volunteers via Meetup for a total 80 volunteer hours. This is the first fall workday at Crockett Hills. Generally soil conditions are much drier than we’d like but it did allow us to remove outside displacement berms and move loose soil off back slopes to smooth rough sections or rebuild rollers. Park staff had tilled the north end of Soaring Eagle so the work there was aimed at shaping that into grade reversals and outsloping. Even though the compaction is poor when dry, the work gets soil into the right places for moisture we should be getting soon.
Thank you to partnership with the East Bay Regional Park District and Crockett Hills Supervisor Travis Vincent who helped provide water supply and several sprayers to help with compaction on rollers and tread repairs. Travis and his staff provide mechanized support for mowing vegetation and chainsaw work to clear downed trees among other things at Crockett Hills. Thank you also to Dave Sturgis and Dan Levy for crew leading and BTCEB Director Rebecca Lewington for photography and making the sandwich run pickup for the group.
Larger work days are noticed on the BTCEB page on You can also get on our trail work mailing list by visiting our Trails page, scrolling down to the Get Trailwork Notifications button.
Volunteer lunch and tool funding are provided by a generous grant from Athletic Brewing’s Two for Trails Grant program. Tool funding is also provided by a generous donation from Trail One’s Trail Treasury. We thank both of these sponsors for supporting our sustainable trails work.